As we ready ourselves for spring, the birds are chirping, the flowers are popping up, and there are rams and goats in the sky, there is a rather pressing New Moon Eclipse in Aries kicking Eclipse Season off with a bang! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and lets us know if you ain't first you're last! Aries is bold, brave, and blunt. They are independent, impulsive and impatient. Yes, they are a super fun sign here to show you what life is like living on the edge. They crave a good adventure and will drag you kicking and screaming with them for the ride. This is exactly what this New Moon Eclipse will do for us. Buckle up!
Eclipses are New Moons or Full Moons x 10. They encourage changes and bring them often suddenly to our door step. Knock knock change is here! You can't hide. You have to just go with the vibe. Ok so there are about 4 eclipses in a year so why have you not had crazy changes in your personal life? Well these Eclipses happen in a different sign in a different house in your chart for everyone. You may not have any significant connections this Aries New Moon Eclipse happening at 29 degrees Aries as others do. This is why not every single Eclipse will rock your boat. That is ok. Trust me, you will get your turn! Check your chart. Degrees matter. Angles matter. If you have planets at or near 29 degrees Aries or in the opposing sign Scorpio you will certainly feel this. If you have angles at or near this degree, such as your Ascendant or Descendant, Midheaven or IC (all 4 corners of your chart) hitting near this New Moon Eclipse you will feel it. This is why I am here to help complete a birth chart for you if you do not have one.
This particular Eclipse in Aries will bring to us the courage to start what we have not and to perhaps finish those projects we have been painstakingly working on for the last 6 months. Look back 6 months as we do see Eclipses occur in the same sign (or very close) within 6 months of each other, often kicking off a theme in our lives. Now USUALLY New Moons bring us new energy for new beginnings. This particular New Moon Eclipse though can bring endings our way unexpectedly with the 29th degree involved and Pluto hitting it with a tough square.
Check it, the 29th degree is the last degree in any sign. This degree brings the desire to get shit done and NOW! This degree has very important messages for you and lessons are often brought to completion in this degree. Pluto loves to force transformation on all of us. In a square it can be painful transformation. So now with this Eclipse you may see completion, resolution and breathe a sigh of friggin relief related to the house where this Eclipse may happen for you. On the flip side, you can have some new inspiration with Aries saying go gettem baby in your ear right now. With Jupiter right next to this New Moon luck will be with us and encouraging people and situations will come to us when we are in need. The message I get is let go of that shit burdening you. Drop that baggage. Open your arms to the future and the wonderful gifts the universe has in store forr you now. Drop the fear. Embrace some hope and get those projects started with the COURAGE of Aries!
Libra, the sign of the scales, justice, and we may forget partnerships. This is the Air sign with the most heart. Libra is ruled by Venus and rules over the 7th house. They can't help but love to be loved. With a desire for fairness, compromise, and beauty, Libra is one of the easiest signs to get along with and one of the easiest to love. Libra is the most Water sign like of the Air signs in that they have a soft and flowing nature to them. They are great at solving problems for others with a balanced logic that is enviable. That said, they tend to be indecisive because of their desire to keep things pleasant around them. Their life lesson is to learn not to only fight for the justice of those around them, but for themselves also.
Libra rules marriage and partnerships of any kind. This sign loves having a partner in crime, for sure. They are very drawn to being boo'd up, but as with all Air signs they do have an independent streak that can keep those around them at arms length. This is the battle they face daily, to have a partner, but not be smothered by them. To maintain independence, yet get some snuggle time at the end of the day. This can be a tough balance to find, but luckily balance is Libra's thing. To maintain this independence from their lovers and even the friends they partner with, Libra can skim over the details of how they truly feel. They have heart, but they are not great at being honest about how they feel. Especially when what they feel is in conflict with what those around them want to hear. Libra, the fighter of fairness and truth can at at times bend the truth to keep things harmonious. Their desire for love can at times be at odds with this desire for harmony.
This Full Moon in Libra will ask us to look at our partnerships as Libra always does to see are we speaking our truth? Are we asking for what we need? If not open that mouth because we are not getting any younger. This Full Moon opposite the fast and furious Aries Sun asks us also to look at how we treat others. It asks us to remember to be kind and caring even when asking for what we want. The scales of justice are also highlighted by this Full Moon, and I must point out it sure is interesting the focus has been so heavily on ex President Trump's injustices and court appearances. It is quite possible the bright Libra Full Moon will highlight some truth with this case for him and for us. This Moon is a peaceful, fair, and truth seeking. However with an opposition to Jupiter in Aries conjunct the Sun, those seeking truth may find defensive walls everywhere they turn right now. If you are seeking answers to problems, it is a good Moon to ask for advice from your friends. This is a rather social Full Moon so leaning into dinner with companions is a good call. This is also a creative Full Moon with Venus highlighted, so writing poetry, painting, or designing projects for fun or for professional benefit will be productive. In short examine how you are feelings as every Full Moon asks, and if you can't spill the beans to others, write them in a poem.
Pluto, discovered in February of 1930 is the smallest of the planets. Some question if Pluto is even a planet at all, which is naive if you consider the sheer gravity this planet pulls. Pluto, mythologically, the God of Death and the underworld, is who Pluto the planet was named after...after all. Pluto is thought to bring a little death and destruction where he is placed in the birth chart, but with any death, comes new life. Transformation is the name of the game with Pluto. As this transformational planet moves into Aquarius we will see some changes, struggles, and rebirth.
Pluto was in the strict, money oriented sign Capricorn since 2008. Money worship is a thing with Capricorn. Capricorn also represents to government, our financial goals, social status and reputation, as well as our ambitions. Look back and reflect upon what has happened in your life since 2008. You will likely see some themes. Capricorn rules a different area of everyone's birth chart. Take myself for example, I have Capricorn ruling mostly over my 7th house of Marriage and partnership. As Capricorn moved there, I got married in 2008. I moved into my first home with my Husband in 2010. By 2016 my marriage was failing and I got divorced. Though this was a time full of trauma and struggles for me, I then made room for a new man to enter my life. He did and in 2021 I remarried and moved into a new home, my forever home with my forever husband. Pluto makes you grow as Saturn does. Pluto will get rid of that which does not serve you any longer. Then force you to seemingly lose it all, causing a transformation that often brings joy and happiness to you in the end. I think of Pluto as the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
The last time that Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778-1798 and we saw the industrial revolution, the French Revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment. Pluto in Aquarius packs a punch and a shift in power is felt. After the Government and the 1% having the the upper hand with Pluto in Capricorn, the other 99% are about to say enough is enough. It is as if the shades, the blinders have been removed and we, the people can start to see clearly now. Get off your knees, Pluto demands! Stand up against the unfair powers that be. Ask and fight for what you deserve. Overall this means collectively, as Pluto moseys on into Aquarius, the sign of social interactions, social constructs, and friendships, we will likely see the general public getting a boost from this impactful planet. We will also see a coming together and blending of all in society to bring on more fairness and equality.
I believe we have already begun seen the effects that Pluto can have in Aquarius as there has been such unrest with society lately. It is as if our DNA can feel this sift about to take place. There has been an increase in police brutality, shootings, and recent shakedowns of senators and past presidents. We, the people are seeing the greed, the unfairness, and the manipulation that our government, social justice system, and even our own public safety systems have displayed. We pay taxes to be brutalized in the streets. We pay taxes for services that have not been serving us, at all.
Off the soap box I go. Pay attention as we do see Pluto go backwards entering Capricorn in Retrograde in June 2023-Janurary 20th 2024. This will bring about a last harrahhh of sorts with Capricorn energy being enhanced. I hope this means we see easy power shifts, retreats, and guilty admissions from the Government and those in power here. I do see final secrets being uncovered. I see the public being made aware of many hidden facts at this time. The truth will come to light. For good, for bad, and it may get ugly. I know Pluto does not do things gently though. The last rodeo in Capricorn will be full of resistance to the power shift to the people and with resistance can come violence. Pluto does enjoy a good blood bath (hypothetically).
It's not all doom and gloom. Aquarius does rule over genius ideas and advancements in technology. We will certainly see new inventions to benefit the good of all during this time. New technology and new social structures all to make society a better place will be a focus in the 20 years ahead. Aquarius is obsessively humanitarian in nature after all. The water bearer will bring about healing for past traumas, and bear light from darkness. So as the back and forth of Pluto in Capricorn then to Aquarius happens, keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground. There is a rumbling in the distance. Change is coming.