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Purple Glow

Aries Season begins on March 21st with a New Moon in this feisty Fire sign. We should all get ready for a new chapter, an new adventure, and possibly a new life cycle. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and Aries season marks the beginning of a new journey through the zodiac. Aries is known to be fierce, independent, and blunt. They are extremely competitive and impatient. Give an Aries a challenge they will do it and do it well! Say jump, and Aries says how high?! Then they will proceed to hit the sky as they leap into the next adventure!

Aries rules the 1st house of self and reminds us to put ourselves first. A little selfish at times, Aries just knows what they deserve. They are fully self-aware and anything that challenges their idea of who they are will get told where they can put that opinion! The higher version of this sign is able to give of their selves to those in need. Often Aries will be seen headlining a charity for some good cause with great passion. Ruled by Mars, Aries is passionate indeed. They are most likely to sweep their love interest off their feet with fire and spice and if they're lucky something that looks nice! Aries knows how to charm those around them. Their down fall is the impatience and restlessness in their heart that at times can get them int trouble. They are wonderful leaders, though they must guard against being too bossy and power hungry. Aries scoffs, but how can you get to the top without being a boss?

I love to highlight some Aries Celebrities to drive the ideas here home, so in true Aries fashion, I will. Think of Mariah Carey asking why you so obsessed with me? Yep she is a Aries boos B*tch! Lady Gaga is another Aries Diva who also contributes her fiery flare to many charities and good causes. Think of Aries Robert Downy Jr. kicking ass as Iron man. This is a perfect hero to represent Aries bold ways, yet during the day he has mounds of money and success as a business tycoon. Lil Nas X is also as Aries as Aries gets! He is so uniquely, boldly, and unapologetically himself! It is truly admirable! Aries sees the boundaries of what is expected by others and laughs at it! They always go above and beyond and maybe during Aries season we should to!

This New Moon on March 21st will be at 0 degrees Aries, representing the very beginning of this sign. This degree represents beginning new cycles, embracing new energy, and embodies the most simplistic and basic attributes of the sign it is in. the 0 degree mark of any sign represents the beginning of a new journey with so much to learn. This new Moon makes a harsh square to impulsive Mars, the Planet of drive and ambition that also rules Aries itself! I see this bringing a jolt of anxious energy to us all. We will be ready to set new goals, which is often the vibe of a New Moon, but in Mars and Aries fashion in turbo mode this time! I must warn everyone not to over do it and stress their body out causing illness or exhaustion. It is a great New Moon though to start or get back to your workout routine, as Mars and Aires love to get physical. It is also a great time to hop into bed with your lover and get a workout in another way! Wiggly eyebrows! Use this fast, furious, and hot Aries energy to get shit done. Do not let the friction and frustration in the air rub you the wrong way. Watch your temper, how you express yourself to others, and how you manage your emotions.


Saturn is the ever dreaded planet of the Zodiac associated with hard times, hard work, and cool emotions. Saturn brings challenges where he is placed in your birth chart. Where he transits he also adds pressure. Saturn takes 2.5 years to make it through a house/sign and because it takes so much time Saturn transitions and movements can mold us personally as well as society as a whole. No matter the sign, as Saturn moves painstakingly through the Zodiac Wheel he challenges personal planets frequently with Squares or Oppositions and blesses others with Trines or Sextiles. Saturn Conjunction to your natal Saturn can bring completion to certain themes in your life and the beginning of a new cycle in life. Saturn transits very much are game changers and something to be aware of for why you may be struggling or thriving at any given time.

Saturn has been in Aquarius for the last 2.5 years, starting in December 2020. I believe as we see him mosey on over to watery Pisces, we will see our Covid fears fade away, allowing us to flow along a little more easily. As Saturn placed pressures on us socially in Aquarius we all saw tensions between this side or that come to a head, bursting with intense emotions and eventually resolve. We saw social distancing with Covid as the largest stressor amongst us put people at odds. The Virus Covid was not exactly brought on by this placement, but the restrictions on society were a result of this tough transit. Aquarius represents society as a whole and our friendships/social connections. Saturn nearly severed these connections leaving all of us stressed and cursing the skies! We had to put in the work, Saturn rules work and the 10th house, to survive, for the good of all. We were forced to consider the needs of those more vulnerable than us in society and do what was needed to keep them from getting so ill they would die. Wearing masks, lonely nights, staying in doors is a thing of the past as Saturn moves on to Pisces. If you are able to see past the pain, you may look back at this transit and see you have gained a lot of new friends and social connections during this tough transit. New challenges are ahead, as Saturn challenges us in a new part of life so we are continuously growing.

Pisces the last of the Water signs is compassionate, emotional and a natural healer. The 12th house where Pisces reigns is the last house of the zodiac and includes themes of hidden talents, hidden enemies, institutions, hospitals, acts of service, out intuition, and simply being our own enemy. It is not the most fun house of the zodiac, but this house is important to gain understanding of if you have planets there in your birth chart. These themes will be hindered, restructured, and challenged when Saturn enters this sign. I believe we will see restructuring and big changes to our health system as healers and hospitals are found in Pisces. We may see changes and restructuring revolving around prisoners and prison systems. We may just see the mystical and intuitive arts gain some structure and respect as an actual religion or even a science. Where we may see traditional religions fall into the dark waters of the outdated past. Those with Pisces placements should pay close attention to this transit as well as those with Virgo placements in their chart. You may find yourself challenged, but also rewarded most by this transit.


We experience a Virgo Full Moon March 7th and the Moon in this intellectually driven earth sign is not always comfortable. Virgo is the sign opposite Pisces. This axis of the Zodiac Wheel deals with organization and creativity. Finding a balance between being too erratic and untethered yet not so strict that one misses out on the fun things in life is the focus here. Virgo likes order and hates messy emotions. Well, Full Moons bring big emotions here in Virgo a mental restlessness may be present for many.

Virgo is the second Earth sign of the Zodiac. All Earth signs are hard working and grounded. They are good at taking a step back and really thinking through their decisions. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, putting a focus on intellect with this sign. Virgo is a master at planning, thinking logically, and though they have a thirst for collecting knowledge like their sister sign Gemini, they are good at categorization when Gemini fails. This stable sign reminds us to take time to organize and clean up our lives, our thoughts, and even our closets.

This Full Moon in Virgo will bring some urgent energy to finish projects we have started with a square to impatient Mars. Collectively the energy may feel very urgent and the stuff we put to the side to do later, will pile up as later becomes now. The message here is to tend to what you have been ignoring. Virgo has big healing energy and reminds us to take care of our bodies, eat clean, look clean, be clean! Virgo is the Virgin after all! The nit picking Virgo often does with their loved ones is only because they see the potential for perfection on those they love. They only want their loved ones to see it to. So FFS wash your face, tuck in your shirt, and remember Virgo wants you to love yourself as they see you. Perfectly clean, nice, and neat.

This Full Moon will urge us to do some pre-spring cleaning. With the Sun, Neptune and Mercury currently in Pisces, however there is some creative energy int he skies. It is a good time to doodle in your sketch pad and write some poetry about how you are feeling. Virgo gets shit done while Pisces meanders about daydreaming and reminding us that life is a piece of art. Also a very healing sign, Pisces asks us to care for those around us with compassion and love. Virgo reminds us to turn that healing energy inward to our own needs. Cleanliness is close to Godliness when Virgo is involved. As we clean out homes, we should also take a peak inside ourselves and see where we may need to clean up our emotional baggage now also. It is a good time to gain clarity on what is serving you and what is bogging you down. Clean up your act this Virgo Full Moon!

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