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Purple Glow

Make room, the aliens are here! As the Sun moves into Aquarius along with the Moon, Venus and Saturn, the energy around us can shift into the weird. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of pure genius revelations and fierce independence. IT is this planet that often makes Aquarius feel very much other than, alien, and as if they don't quite fit in. This sign is known to be brilliantly intelligent, shockingly bold, and has a penchant for ruffling a few feathers. Aquarius thinks unlike anyone else. They have the ability to see things from outside the box and somehow come up with solutions to problems that everyone else fails to see. They are the inventors of the zodiac. What are emotions? Why do people have them? Aquarius doesn't do emotions and would rather display their sharp wit and rely on their logic than to ever have someone see them cry. That is not to say that Aquarius cant be empathetic and be a great listener. They will just not require the same listening of those same friends they have supported through the tough times in the past. They'd much rather deal with it all on their own. Their plate often remains too full because of this leading to some indigestion.

Aquarius rules over the 11th house and with their logical thinking they are often seen planning some kid of benefit for others, fighting for social justice, or helping their friends. Friendships and social relationships are ruled by this house. I always found this interesting because Aquarius can be so detached from their feelings and others. After years of studying this sign I see it is the desire to do what is right that can drive Aquarius to help others. They enjoy being part of the solution for others that are in need, but getting emotionally entangled won't happen helping strangers. Think of Oprah or Ellen, both Aquarius'. They have been notorious for helping others, listening intently to sad stories. Yet, always seem to offer straight forward solutions to problems, in Ellen's case also offering laughter along the way. Aquarius has a great sense of humor and knows how to keep those around them entertained.

With all these planets taking a dip in the eccentric water of the water bearer, the focus for us all can shift to what qualities we have within us that are different, fun, and weird. We must embrace this side of ourselves and now is a good time to get started. It is not the time to nit pick at our stranger qualities. Virgo take a back seat now ok? With the 11th house highlighted now we can all take a step back and examine our social relationships. Are we being as good of a friend as our friends are being for us. This sign can be wildly creative it is a good time to embrace your creative side to! With Pluto very close to this New Moon and the Sun right now Transformational ideas may burst into your mind from nowhere. If you have a problem, you may now find a brilliant solution. You may even surprise yourself. Revelations galore, jot down what comes up for you in meditation sessions now! It is a good time to get involved in a charitable cause that is near to your heart. Emotions may not be greatly understood now as Aquarius just simply can't! Save the emotional deep diving for Pisces Season next month!

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Here we go again. It feels as if Mercury just came out of its backspin, yet here we are again. From December 29th ill January 18th, we will be ringing in the New year with Mercury looking backwards in the Sign of the Season Capricorn.

If you have been reading along with me, then you know the energy right now is Capricornian. Capricorn is the work oriented, money making, bad ass of the Zodiac. Capricorn is an Earth sign and Airy Mercury is not super happy placed in this sign. However, Mercury is the thinker of the zodiac. Mercury in the strict sign of Capricorn brings our thoughts into focus. When Mercury takes us on a second trip backwards through this sign, this is a time to take a look at your goals for the new year as well as to evaluate your work ethic in the past year. Have you achieved what you desired? Have you lived up to your own expectations? If you haven't, you are in luck because everyone knows the new year brings a new opportunity to step it up!

Mercury is very close to Venus at this time and this will bring conscious though, if not over thinking to your love life. As Mercury moves backwards past Venus, its kind of like hitting rewind on our love lives in 2022. Look back, think twice, but don't entertain lovers that come back from your past at this time. During Mercury Retrograde periods it is not a good time to rekindle relationships, as the rekindling can often be short lived. Learn from your mistakes. Set standards for yourself in the new year and let go of what needs to be dropped.

Expect the typical brain fog, forgetfulness, computer glitches, and transportation difficulties. Mercury rules over these things and they get a little sketchy during all retrogrades. Keep an eye on the details at work especially. Watch for silly mistakes that could have easily been avoided. It is not a good time for business proposals or signing contracts. Wait till after January 18th to initiate these types of deals. Mercury Retrogrades bring about bumps in the road. This is a message to take it slow right now and don't force things that just don't seem to come together. Mars is also in Retrograde until January 12th. Once these two planets move forward again, it will be full force ahead!

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The Sun has moved into Capricorn. It's cold outside, much like Capricorn's black heart. We're expected to go do things, shop, talk, and be around people and my Cancer Sun would much rather stay inside, under 50 blankets far form others and veg out. Capricorn is the opposite sign of Cancer and unfortunately for my lazy ass, this sign urges us to get to work! Capricorn is governed by Saturn, the most slow moving, determined SOB of all the planets. This makes for a sign that moves with precision, competes tasks like none other, and who does so with ease. Ruling the 10th house of reputation and our career life, Capricorn is serious, driven, and hyperaware of their status. Where Cancer measures happiness with hugs, kisses and praise, Capricorn measures it with their bank account. Capricorn is the sign representing the work we do in the Zodiac, and working hard is what their thing.

Now most Capricorns I have met aren't nearly as serious as their sign is portrayed. My grandmother on my mom's side was a Capricorn. I do remember her being quite stern, however that was balanced by her giggling over jokes made at the dinner table. Capricorns do have a fun side and I have met many Capricorns who tend to swing the other way and rebel against work, at least until later in life. They age with grace as this sign represents maturity. Some say Capricorns age in reverse looking like little old men and women as children and when they are in their 50's and above their youthfulness shines. If not in how they look, it is noticeable in how they act. Capricorns are the old souls of the zodiac, reminding all others to dot their I's and cross their T's when muddling their way through life. They are strong, steady and responsible. When you need help call a Cap! Stick in the mud much? If you ask the Fire or Air signs, so very opposite this Earth energy, they will shout a resounding yes! We all can learn a lot from the Capricorns in our lives. Yes even you Aries!

With a stellium lined up in this sign currently, all work no play makes Jack a dull boy. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto are in Capricorn, and we are all in a tizzy. Finishing tasks before the holidays has been the focus for many. Packed schedules, long to do lists, and frazzled brains galore, we must take time to relax when we get a chance for fear of total melt down! It is a good time to embrace the energy boost you may feel behind this Capricorn sucker punch in the sky. It is not a good time to put that shit off one more day as you have, perhaps for the last 6 months. Do it now. Get it done. Listen to the little Capricorn voice in your head today.

Check your chart. See where Capricorn sits to know where your personal focus is now. If you aren't sure about this, I can help you with a Birth Chart Reading!

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