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Aquarius Season Rolling in!

Aquarius is the last of the air signs in the zodiac. They are swift thinkers with brilliant minds that have the ability to think outside the box. They rode by Uranus, the planet that loves to shake things up. This makes them quite rebellious always interested in change in making things better for the masses. They dislike old outdated thought processes and shun the status quo. Aquarius season is a good time for us all to think a little more on the wild side.

You can spot an Aquarius in a room as they are often the person wearing eccentric clothing, talking about the most off-the-wall shit. They think so differently that they often feel like outsiders. Aquarius can feel like an alien on earth. They enjoy the feeling of being different and other. They do not want to conform. They like to march to a different drum all their own. I find most Aquarius have great senses of humor and love to play tricks on people. As a friend, they are a good person to go to to solve problems. Their intelligence is the bright spot of their existence. If Pisces was brought here, the bleeding heart that they are, to heal society. Aquarius is the sign created to bring the ideas that back that healing up. Though they are rebellious and can sometimes rub others wrong underneath it. All Aquarius wants to make the world a better place. They can, however, be an antagonist at times shaking up that which was. They are not always easy to get along with, and have a tendency to always think they're right! They often are.

Aquarius gets along best with other air signs, Gemini and Libra. Fire signs. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius also can keep up with their quick mind. The fire signs can tend to challenge Aquarius and ways that are not always comfortable or appreciated. The water signs can be great friends with Aquarius, but often can be too emotional for Aquarius to understand. However, the fascination with trying to figure them out can draw Aquarius to cancers and even Scorpio. Pisces can sometimes be too needy for independent Aquarius. The earth signs, unfortunately can move too slow for Aquarius to sit around and wait for.

Take time this Aquarius season to think outside the box when it comes to your problems. Aquarius can also be a rather social sign so take time with friends to share ideas. Especially if you have Aquarius friends. This is a good time to help those in need, donate to charity, or do something nice for others. This is also a good time to appreciate what makes you different and eccentric.

Happy birthday, Aquarius!



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