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August 2024 Astrology Report


August will be bringing some distressing and exciting astrology transits and

planetary shifts. It is Leo season. Leo is a fire sign and Leo SZN is bringing

the heat. Tensions will rise towards the middle of the month. Mark the week

of the 14th and 15th on your calendars for some intense energy!

8/4/24 New Moon in Leo: The Sun and Moon link up in Leo bringing us a

New Moon. This New Moon will be full of passionate and creative vibes.

Take time, as at all New Moons, to plan ahead for new adventures and

projects. Motivation will be at a high level with a sextile to Mars! Leo highlights our need to express ourselves, so don’t be shy about being exactly who you are!

8/4/24 Venus enters Virgo: Venus in Virgo is under pressure, under control,

and underrated. Venus in Virgo is self-controlled, perfectionistic, and

always willing to help. Virgo Venus falls head over heels for a quick wit and

good conversation. You gotta be smart to woo this Venus sign! Acts of

service is the way to this Venus placements heart and they will return the

favor with pleasure. If you are dating a Virgo Venus, remember to give

them deserved praise for their hard work because they are always working

hard to make other happy. Virgo Venus has high expectations and can be

nagging at times. Their best matches are Earth and Water signs. They

have been known to get along surprisingly well with Gemini who is ruled by

Mercury as Virgo is.

8/5/24 Mercury Retrograde in Virgo entering Leo 8/14: Time to slow it

down! This year has been moving too fast! This is a good time to stop and

reflect on what you wanted to accomplish and if you have done it. Come up

with some plans to do what you want most in the last months of 2024. Virgo

is a planner, so the Virgo energy will help with this. As always be mindful of

technology glitches and appliances on the fritz. Travel plans can get messy,

and you may need a plan B and C! Have patience with yourself and others


8/14/24 Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini: This year has been and is full of

Mars transits. It is a Mars heavy year and with two ongoing wars, and a

recent assassination attempt, it is obvious. Mars is aggressive, violent, and

angry energy. When Mars conjuncts expansive Jupiter, this energy gets

expanded, agitated, and can explode. Tread lightly now. Avoid arguments

when you can. Jupiter is an instigator here. We may all feel annoyed at

small things. I truly hope we avoid the violence we saw last month. This is

very similar energy. It can be just as erratic. My Gemini and Sagittarius

friends out there will feel this most.

8/15/24 Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn: Yikes! So if Mars being conjunct

Jupiter isn’t enough, this square could tip the scales. Saturn brings

stagnant, stoic, and frustrating energy. A square itself is an agitating

aspect. With the violent and angry nature of Mars being expanded by

Jupiter, this square could bring some outbursts. The intense energy of Mars

cannot be controlled. Saturn loves to control. Gemini being involved for me

highlights transportation and communication. We all need to watch our

mouths right now! Don’t say what you will regret later. Drive slower. Walk

slower. I warn you to be cautious now.

8/19 Full Moon in Aquarius: So, I thought that maybe this Full Moon in

humanitarian Aquarius would be a sweet one. Boy was I wrong! The Full

Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Leo, and Uranus in Taurus form a T-Square. This

brings the unexpected. Uranus loves to shake things up and brings random

occurrences you never saw coming. Be on guard. Your emotions also could

be all over the place for now leaving you feeling very much out of control.

There is secondly another T-Square at the same time with Saturn in Pisces

opposing Venus in Virgo forming a square to Mars and Jupiter still conjunct!

Venus is truly the outlier here wishing for love and peace. Mars conjunct

Jupiter squaring Saturn wants a good fight. We will all feel this tension.

Hang tight for about a week till this energy fades.

8/22/24 Sun moves into Virgo: Happy Birthday Virgo! Its time to do some

fall cleaning! Virgo is tidy, organized, and controlled. They like things to be

just so and if you don’t hit them mark, you will know it! Virgo is blunt and

tells it how it is. Go to Libra for some sugar-coated advice. Virgo keeps it

real! They are obsessive about making things better than they were. They

are the secondhand shoppers of the zodiac. They take what they found and

put a crafty spin on it to make it better than it was before. Though they are

known to nag, it is only because they care. Virgo is quick witted with a

sharp intellect. If they don’t have the answer they will find it. If you can

handle their bold honesty, they make a wonderful friend.

8/28/24 Mercury Retrograde ends! Mercury will move forward in Leo and

back into Virgo. What have you learned?

8/29/24 Venus enters Libra: Venus is at home in the sensual sign of Libra.

Those with this placement are naturally creative and have an eye for style.

They are drawn to the arts and love to create art. They love to be wined

and dined and will do the same for you to show their love. They love a good

meal at a fancy restaurant. Their lovers must know quality over quantity is

the way to their heart. They may be a tad superficial, preferring shiny things

to home grown crated gifts. Libra Venus will put you first and is a people

pleaser. They must guard against their kindness being mistaken for

weakness. They must learn that they deserve the love they so often give

away so freely.

Buckle up! August will be a wild ride!

Contact me for a reading to see how it relates to you personally at



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