Ok so first of all this year flew! How are we at the end of it! Looking back how was your year? Did you do what you wanted to? Now is your chance to finish the year strong!
October 22nd the Sun moves into Scorpio. This is the deepest and spookiest time of the year. We often go inside at this time of the year. Scorpio also asks us to go inside and get to know ourselves better. It makes total sense that Scorpio rules over Halloween! Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars. This sign is a powerhouse. They are a water sign, but if you ask me, they are the fire sign among the sensitive water sighs. They are bold and blunt. They are intense with how they feel. They are also mysterious though so you may never really know how they feel. Overall, they value security and safety and do almost anything for self-preservation. Scoprio is the psychologist of the zodiac. Theya re great at digging deep and figuring things out. They make great researchers as well. They are a very intuitive and psychic sign. Don’t lie to a Scorpio or they will know. They get along best with the other Water and Earth signs. Happy Birthday Scorpio!
November 1st there is a New Moon in Scorpio so joining Mercury in Scorpio as well the Moon will bring us deeper into our intuition. It is time to go with your gut. What do you need to do to feel successful this year. The Scorpio vibe will help you think deeply and figure it out. New Moons are always a great time to start new things!
November 2nd Mercury rolls into Sagittarius and we can all think on our toes. Mercury represent how we communicate, learn, and think. Mercury in Sagittarius is a deep thinker! They enjoy long chats about their philosophy and sharing what they think with others. They make wonderful teachers and are always up to learn something new. They are ever curious!! Like a cat! This is a great time for us all to learn something new and exciting!
November 3rd Mars enters Leo. Mars represents our motivations, desires, and is the planet of action. In fire sign Leo, Mars is courageous, active, and a bit of a show off. They are dare devils and love to get admiration from others. They can be a bit vein and money oriented. They like shiny things and will work for jewelry. They are bold lovers as Mars does rule our sexual desire. They will do any trick to make their lovers toes curl. As long as they feel adored by them in return. This can be a very spicy transit.
November 11th Venus enters Capricorn. Venus represents our love lives. Venus is how we show love and how we receive love. Venus can also point to a person’ social lives and if they are well off financially. This is a very fortunate placement to handle money well. In love they can marry up in life and expect their partner to be a responsible, hard worker. They have high standards and if you fail to meet them it is on to the next! This is a good time to evaluate if you are getting what you deserve in your love life. If not, it may be time to have a chat with your lover!
November 15th Saturn moves out of Retrograde in Pisces. If you have lacked motivation and the ability to stick to it, whatever it is since the end of June, now is your time to refocus. Saturn asks us to do the hard work to reap the reward. Have you been putting in the work? It is a great time to reassess your efforts towards your goals. Plans will flow at this time as long as you put the effort in.
The same day we see a Full Moon in Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign and the Moon here feels their emotions in a grounded and sensual way. They have a great understanding of their values though they can tend to hold on to emotions, things, and even people far too long. This is the hording Moon of the zodiac that needs to work hard to let go of what no longer serves them. At thus Full Moon, it is a great time for all of us to assess what we need to let go of. Conjunct Uranus, there can be some unexpected emotions that pop up for us all that we need to sort through. This can be an erratic Full Moon. Expect some unexpected news.
November 19th Pluto enters Aquarius and stays there for good! We have seen Pluto retrograde back into Capricorn a few times, but at this time it is full force ahead in this very humanitarian sign. Pluto is a slow moving, generational planet that can very much point to prominent themes within the collective. In Aquarius Pluto will weed out that which does not serve us by revealing secrets. Society and the social hierarchy can see big shifts as Pluto moves into Aquarius, the sign ruling social relationships.
Stay Tuned for the Astrology of the rest of November...