What will the transition of Neptune from Pisces to Aries bring to us from March 30th 2025-2039?
Neptune represents our spirituality, fantasy worlds, our dreams, and our delusions. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Aries is the first to take the leap and they want to try new things like yesterday! This fire sign is ambitious, angry, and a leader. They are original and innovative. Dreamy Neptune in Aries will be inspirationally innovative. It can turn dramatically delusional though if there are not checks and balances.
First of all the Cardinal signs need to buckle up. Aries will feel this change with a burst of creativity and the increased desire to day dream which is not typical for them. They may have a hard time choosing a direction and taking the next step. The opposition Neptune will make to Libra could bring complications to the status quo. Making decisions can be even harder for Libra than usual. They will feel anything but balanced. Cancer and Capricorn will see Neptune squaring planetary placements in these signs, bringing challenges and brain fog big time. They will see difficulty pulling their head out of the clouds or even getting out of bed in the am. I think those with heavy Pisces in their chart will feel this change of energy intensely because Neptune is their ruler. This does depend on where Aries is in their charts.
So with Neptune being a peaceful dreamy planet moving into confrontation driven, fire sign Aries, the idea of war may be thought of in a more diplomatic way. However with Neptune bringing a fog, as it does, the end of such battles may be vague or not notably marked. Hell, it may be unclear why the battle started to begin with. Any wars that are initiated will be fought for independence and freedom. If there is fighting, which Aries energy loves, it will be for new beginnings and big changes. There may be some delulu beliefs fueling the fighting. Those in the fight may forget why they are fighting at all.

This can become a time of outrageous fantastical attempts at changing things as we are seeing now in the USA, that sound nice in theory but that don't necessarily work in real life. It can be a time of lacking clarity of direction. Action just for action, leading to a feeling of no boundaries and the ground falling away. This could on the other hand, be a time of creative renaissance with new innovation coming to artist, scientists, and authors in their dreams. These innovations could save the world.
Aries likes that new new! New ideas dealing with spirituality are coming. I do believe the pope will sadly pass on this year (I hope not) and the choice for his predecessor could be interesting. There could be some new and untraditional views held by the new Pope and those surrounding him that could change Catholicism forever. These will be adventurous times.
As Neptune was in Pisces, creative and spiritual inspiration was at our very fingertips. The dreams we had that we thought we could maybe do one day, are now ripe and ready to be worked into reality when Aries takes the stage. The one day is now. What this does for the individual is bring about the inspiration and energy to put your purpose to practice. Spiritually the urge to share your individual beliefs with others will be knocking. The ability to become more independent and individual in your spiritual beliefs will be seen. Spirituality in action. That is Neptune in Aries. Many who have been spiritually called, will hear that call turn to a scream. WAKE UP. It's time the light workers WAKE UP. Neptune in Aries very much is the waking of sleeping energy. This is the start of a new cycle.
The civil war did occur when Neptune was in Aries. Will another one begin? I sure as shit hope not.
